Adaptive Computingart 1

Mondo Beyondo

I know, this may be beyond the average hobbyist's reach but it is a leading technology and actually can be accomplished by YOU. If you're looking for a new and challenging tech now that you have a home network or have all the lights in your house automated to a scheduler, adaptive computing is for you! So what is it? In a nut shell, it's a piece of hardware that can change its configuration from external programming. The configuration controls separate electronic circuit functional blocks like registers, ALUs, logic gates, and bus controls like multiplexers and demultipexlers. In other words, custom arrangement of hardware components to do a specific task or complex selection of tasks.

Adaptive computing starts with a Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) chip and the integrated development environment(IDE) to program the internal array of components that otherwise are dormant on the chip. What the chip's ultimate functionality is in the hands of the designer or the AI algorithms configured on the chip. Yep, the spooking realm of AI fits perfectly into the area of adaptive computing.

One of the leaders in adaptive computer technology is AMD or more specifically, Xilinx. The next generation of FPGAs will encompass AI Engine modules. This takes the functionality of FPGAs to a new place. I'll let your imagination take it from here.

To learn more about this leading-edge tech, check out or YouTube videos on the topic or ask ChatGPT. That may the best way to get into bed with this subject. After all, you want to be friends with the robots when they take over.