Djangoart 1

...not the movie, not the guitar player

Django is also a high-level Python web framework that is revered around the world as a general purpose website builder that comes with a fully operational base. It's open-source with many supporters - that's good. Here's the adjectives: Complete, Versatile, Secure, Scalable, Maintainable, and Portable. This is also good.

Version 1.0 came out in Sep of 2008, so I celebrate its 14th anniversity here -Yeah! Django has a built in administator that provides nice structure for controlling users and logins, but also has an open landscape to customize code and the code is Python. So you don't like snakes, you'll like this one. It assumes you are going to need a database, so it has SQLite built in. You can replace it with other choices that require a small amount of configuration.

The versatility can't be over emphasized. If your host client has python installed, then Django makes a great frontend web platform. If not, then Django makes a great API backend for a a JavaScript based frontend. Django can play both ends or fullstack without much effort. If you want to build an API site, add Django-REST-framework module and you're good to go. The frontend can be any technology that can spit out a legitimate HTTPRequest. Cloud based non-relational databases like MongoDB can be used as well or AWS or even a local database.

It's super great for a datacenter where everything can be standardized locally(Python/Django versions and virtual environments). The next best thing is a web api. Set it up behind a URL and spit out JSON strings. The administrator area is like WordPress. It can be customized and has many build in features every delveloper needs but no need to write the code to do. Things like form building and verifications, user authorizations, session control and use of cookies. There are many many pre-written templates to start with.

Maybe Django is like the movie - badass cowboy ready to ride the range.