IBM Q-Computerart 1

Qubits Everywhere

Stategic partners from Germany to Japan to Korea to Canada and the US. Quantum computing concepts started to form in the 1980s. Great minds came to focus on quantum algorithms because the gains in a speedy solution was exponential verses linear as with classic Von-Neumann computing. A Google quote sums it up well: "Quantum computers can solve a problem in minutes, while it would take a classic computer 10,000 years."

Research will influence battery technology. New fuels to burn that are clean. CERN is peering into the origins of the Universe with the aid of the quantum point of view.

Are you ready for the IBM Quantum Network? Progress into the future within a team of like-minded experts. Unlike the bits in a classic computer, qubits are described by quantum physics and are a little strange. Beyond the usual 0 or 1 values, qubits can be superpositioned to be either at the same time or having four states. Then there is the idea of entanglement. It loses me at that point but maybe you will have an epiphany and see the light(that was a photon pun).

There's an API for the Qiskit Runtime! Do you have the nerve and the savvy to actually run a program on a quantum computer? If you do and have the desire to do it, here's the URL to get started: Click Me. You can also chat with Watson as well.

I don't see any of this at the hobbyist level anytime soon but who knows, maybe there will be a Raspberry-Pi Q coming out in a few years.