Surviving COVIDart 1

Web Dev Employment

The Question is... How to find or keep employment as a web dev programmer? Maybe the better question is.. How do you get a job at one of Elon Musk's industrial megaliths? Can you say automated factory control? How many aerospace engineers do you know? Are you AI savvy? Maybe your forte is IoT or the morphed version, IIoT.

When does the sh#t hit the fan on new IC chips that have walked away from the classic Intel baseline of the X86/instruction set? What about quantum-computing? It's getting close. Do you have to have a physics degree to be a Q-programmer?

There nothing new here as far as being an industrial cog or open-source guru. Things have alway been changing and you have to move with the tide or be washed away by it. A few things are still on solid ground. Most data services will be presented to vast majority of humanity via the good-ol' Browser window. That means: HTML/CSS/JS. Keep an eye on JS development for sure in the form of Node.js mainly. The major brands of JS Frameworks are quickly migrating to Svetle. I think that's great.

An important area of emphasis is how to hack-proof cloud services, critical databases, and personal identities. If you are talented in these areas, get your butt in gear - please. As SpaceLink gains more and more customers, ground based cables and microwave and fiber links are going to be circumvented until the first space war.

Progress is accelerating and will leave most of us puzzled. We are currently past the "singularity." Robots can out perform humans. They have been weaponized already. It will be important to programmers to stay up with the progress in Deep Learning and the application of AI into products. It's going to be a bumpy ride. COVID effects will still be with us for another year or more. We have to reach post-inflation and financial balance before salaries and job opportunities level out. Don't get discourage. This is the best of times and the worst of times. Just take it all in.