Djangoart 1

Python in the streets

For years bloggers depended on WordPress as the app with administration control for any number of posts with tons of features all running from a database. There is nothing wrong with WordPress with millions of websites that use it, it certainly has a lot of support. Technically it is a content management system (CMS). It runs on PHP developed circa 1994. Sites that use WordPress number somewhat north of 455 million and that's close to 40% of all sites. Problem is, there's a better way.

Django pops onto the scene in 2005 and is based on Python. It only grabs less than 1% of the sites that are basically info sites like blogs. So why is Django even in the game? It may have to do with the popularity of Python being the darling language of AI and Deep Learning analysis and implementation. It's more about who switched to Django: Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, several major news outlets, BitBucket, Dropbox, Mozilla, Pinterest, etc.

So, I'm not saying WordPress is out or something is bad, but if you are a web developer, you should check out Django. It's going to grow.

Both approaches use a similar scheme and both are based on an interpreted language so they aren't the fastest code on the block, but are fast enough to meet expectations. The MVT scheme used by Django is a trifecta of efficiency. Templates are made of HTML and its usual suspects, CSS and JS. So this is the static UI code. Views are code that dynamically manipulates these templates into useful full-featured sites. This implies it knows how to use the database and the business logic for the site. The M is for models, which are patterns for setting up the database or the interface to what is stored in the database. Of course, to get between pieces of the site, a system of URLs pull the Views and the View renders the appropriate Template.

The ease of learning Python and the straightforward code style compared to PHP that is scattered throughout the template code is another reason Django is catching on. Django also interfaces with non-relational database systems like MongoDB, another efficient and straightforward database concept. Django can also be integrated with other JavaScript frameworks where React is fast becoming the favorite. Tuned up with the Next.js extension creates an excellent website builder. Be brave and take a Django course.