While You Were In Lockdown!art 1

Technologies Emerge

There are more and more of us working from home, creating start-ups, time to think than any time before. Lots of technologies are advancing and being created. Here are a few you might have missed.

GOLANG. This is a compiler-based programming language that reminds us of C and C++ and for good reason. Officially, it's called GO and comes from Google. It's been around since 2009 but had its stable release last month. The GOLANG moniker is derived from its Internet URL www.golang.org.

GO works with WebAssembly and can be transpiled to JavaScript so it covers a lot of areas for web development work and portable media. It also is nice to support multiple operating systems on the same machine. It is destined to become more in use as each day passes.

Svelte is another system that is compiler employed that really streamlines Web Design. The power comes from manipulating the DOM directly unlike others that have a complex system to maintain state within the app and build a virtual DOM that is thing reflected into the actual DOM to render on the browser screen. Svelte circumvents all this by just compiling the code to rebuild the DOM per your code directly. Dynamic changes are managed from the compiled coded algorithms. Any fundamental change to your structured code would have to be recompiled.

Svelte is gaining more functionality and has become a really nice choice to built web apps with.

Don't discount the hobbyists. What you can do with a Raspberry-Pi 4b is amazing. The IoT is better referenced as IIoT or Industrial Internet of Things as automated factories are integrating MQTT brokered designs with microcontrollers to build fabrication facilities.

Security. When are we going to figure out if we don't approach the Internet accessibility from a VPN addressed with IPv6 with fully implemented IPSec we are going to be hacked and ransomware violated? Participants on the Internet are going to have to be licensed so they have an ID certificate. This is the basis for secure communication over an open system like the Internet. It would be possibly to pool a bunch of users through your ISP for the masses but any viable organization with important data needs to be behind more than a firewall.

The best is yet to come from startups that open our eyes to what's possible not unlike how Tesla has given us someone to catch up to. Let's get out in front of the political barriers like the merchant class of the Middle Ages and leave the fortresses of the control freaks wondering where everyone went.