React Attractionart 1

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The JavaScript framework called React is currently the most popular of all the framework approaches to develop a UI for website designs. It works by manipulating the main DOM by modifying a virtual DOM within React by controlling program state. Once the desired data state is readied, the browser DOM is updated, but only where needed. This mean quick response.

Since the main page structure is HTML, this structure is manipulate by a simulated version called JSX. Thus HTML tags can be create from components that are rendered using JavaScript processes to form the main pages. In fact, the whole webpage or series of pages are first build up as components and then inserted into a placehole div-tag, the only element in the body, via an ID attribute. The user only sees the page once the pieces are in place to create the page via the DOM. Any user interaction triggers a "reaction" witin the React framework to update the DOM but only those areas affected.

Complex web apps can be created from an effective structure of building components and passing data from a database or local storage to vary the state of the design under user control. Normal CSS rules can be applied to the design with import statements to be integrated into the components, which are just functional elements that makeup the design. By having functional elements in separate files and weaving all the structure of the application via import/export statements, the whole application runs as one interface.

React is probably the best UI tool to learn as a web design programmer. It is totally based on JavaScript so JS is also a necessary skill set. Since React is a dynamic use-case and works with a server, the whole app is build within a Node.js framework. This implies that Node.js is used to capture the React app files and since all of this is really a bunch of JS statements, the use of webpack and Babel complete the system by generating a static build that can be uploaded to a web host to be presented to the public on the Internet. This is an important step for two essential reasons: The bundled code is comprised of JS statement that can be used by all browsers (or a vast majority) without you having to write generalized code. You can stick to the latest modern coding practices. And second, your code has been minimized to run the fastest that it can.

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