Tech Blurart 1

Major Players devoured by Cottage Industries

Aren't you shocked by pictures of airliners parked by the hundreds, not on parking aprons, but on runways, on taxiways, anywhere big enough to park them all in the same photo. Now they are starting to mothball windows and seal these behemoths up for long term storage. Doesn't sound like flights to everwhere are going to be coming back anytime soon.

At the same time, when you skim through Facebook, dozens of ads pop up for the coolist gadgets ever. Now is the time for inventive minds to get a product in front of this massive captive audiance sitting at home hungry for something interesting to gaze upon. It also might be a good time to buy an airliner for your new enterprise, but the rub is to become a massive success was at the aid of a startup counter-partner in China! That's iffy. It may be easy to find employees, but what are going to be the rules for 'the factory of the near future'?

If you are out of high school and looking to professional training to launch a career, what avenues are open. The colleges are set up for mass class size in auditoriums epecially for freshmen. Online educations are marginal. One of the gaps is on-the-job training that universities offer in labs, co-op programs, one-on-ones with professors and professional clubs and seminars. At some point, you just lose your eyesight working off a computer screen for endless hours.

Even the monolithic economic giants like the oil industry is flopping around in the wind. Some major players are running negative incomes. They are floating in red ink because the cost of closing out production and start up again would be more. At some point, they will start down-sizing which will begin to change the world. Renewable energy sources are going to rapidly become viable. Lots of capital will begin to shift. The Aussies are betting on selling hydrogen fuels. Big solar and wind farms will not only be churning out watts but the reactive power reservoirs natural to all these inverters on solar farms will become welcome on power grids. This will be fun to watch as the world turns - a real soap opera.

I don't have a single answer to any of this mainly because we are adrift in trecherous waters. Not a bad time to write a book for people with time on their hands. That opportunity hasn't been around for years. You now have multiple marketing outlets with eBooks, paper books, audio books, and online delivered pdf or even web apps. Creating a startup manufacturing is going to be testy for a while.

Don't kid youself, economic collapse starts wars, only the rich can afford a comfy hidding place to weather the storm. Check your history books if you don't believe me. We as a species have to get past this and soon.