Technology Advancesart 1

Technology vs Biology

The covid-19 virus gnome is well studied here towards the end of April. Of course, the lack of research in virus vaccines in general has been grossly under funded has hurt the effort. Hopefully, despite the weak government support and understanding of the importance not only to public health, but global economies, has been shored up by the private sector and wealthy entrepreneur. So what's this got to do with electronics and web development?

The Internet and all that makes it work has never been exercise more vigorously or needed more. IT centers are a critical link, in fact, are the link that's holding the real-time information analysis and command-and-control to implement plans to attact this threat.

There is a huge interest in web development and learning. The daily diversion of mundane life have many great minds at home working on solutions, cleaning up code, coming up with better workflows and innovation. Technology is America's best bet. Other countries with much stronger discipline to stay separated and isolate the infection do it in their own way.

I'm impressed on how well the Internet and ISP services are holding up. Hopefully, the infrastructure won't be taken for granted and we can see a strengthning and modernization. The general population is learning how to use apps, video conferencing with family members. So much innovation in how to conduct day-to-day activities via computers is nice to see. Now is the time to move your web/networking skills into the immerging markets.