Frameworksart 1

Poised for more change

We can add the idea of compiled Dev code to the approaches of building a frontend to the list of vanguard soldiers of Angular, React and Vue. What's it called - Svelte? Right!? It means "slender and elegant." Still not convinced what it has to do with computer programming.

Svelte is a newish way to develop frontend designs that has come onto the radar in the recent past (up to version 3 already). The whole idea is to provide an infrastructure to build your HTML/CSS/JS UI designs that can be picked up by a compiler that turns the whole thing into an executable JS control HTML page. The importance of this is this approach minimizes the amount of code the server has to deliver and the browser has to process. All other approaches are fatter by a lot. That's got to be good.

The downside is this compiler has to be aware of all options in a sophisticated way so all programmer's needs are dealt with in a confident manner. That's a big order. It appears so far the results are favorable. One of the challenges is to convince developers to use it.

I got interested in building a few sites using Svelte to see how it works. The website ( is nicely set up to learn about Svelte, but as you work up more complex site requirements, it gets difficult to decipher. What's really needed is the online gurus to take up the banner and build tutorials. I found one.

John Smilga has a Udemy course called "Svelte Tutorial and Project Course." How appropriate. I've completed the course and it was well done. The Svelte part was super. The database and online-sales and upload to github and Heroku got rather twisted. A lot of connections had to be perfect to pull that off. There was a lot of third party apps involved and you know how those go. Revisions break things. I got all the pieces to work, but Heroku wasn't buying it. It didn't matter because I got the gist of it.

Svelte is going to be a big player. Better get onboard. If you have a full-stack project to do for a commercial customer, this is a great timesaver, organizer, and efficient way to approach the problem.