

Here are some projects to chew on. They are based on microcontrollers to make building and programming more accessible.


Arduino Shields

Arduino Environment


The Arduino Eco-system is an invaluable way for electronic enthusiasts to benefit from a well-thoughtout programming and hardware arrangement to learn mechanatronics or physical computing, fancy words for computer engineering. Even fully experienced engineers can utilize Arduino designs to proto-type or even include in long-lasting designs. I've used a RFID lock for my garage door with an Arduino embedded in the wall for over seven years now and it is still working perfectly well.

Project Description

I will use an Arduino Uno with various design setups to do something useful along with demonstrating programming techniques, explaining intricacies of the C++ language, and explainging a lot of electronic concepts.

You are invited to use your own equipment and follow along. If you have other designs you find worthy, please let me know what you've done. I will try to include your ideas here in a future update.

Shields to Swords

The Prepared Mind: