Information as Energyart 1

Stored in Symbols

Codex, Codes, and Ciphers - what are they? You could think of the origin of stored information as a scroll or long parchment that was stored as a roll. A codex is separate pages bound into book form which is much easier to store, index, and retrieve from a shelf. This was a Roman concept. A code is a symbol that substitutes for a definition or specification or protocol that encapsulates an idea. A cipher is a symbol that most likely captures a phonic, a sound or an indiviual letter in an alphabet. Individually, they don't do much, but collectively they add an infinite variety of expressions that can be spoken, written, or transmitted without a decryption step.

Symbolic langauages like Chinese are logographic. The language components are coded messages within themselves that carry a sound representation and its associated meaning. Combining these symbols has to be accompanied by context because the ultimate point being made could be varied by the different combinations. All of these forms of spoken or written communication is conveying knowledge. Knowledge is the building blocks of intelligence. Intelligence is useful knowledge that can be used to generate new concepts that can be tested and confirmed or denied as valid knowledge and stored with data or symbols in convenient mediums. Codexes being the first really powerful mediums to store intelligent information.

Does all this sound like it's going in a circle? Well, it is, and that creates a system. Systems are part of nature its self. That's where the idea of knowledge as an energy form emerges. It can be transferred into other useful forms of energy and follows the laws of physics in the end. I'm more interested in where the intersection of general knowledge and physical law that supports technological innovation. Another key point to keep in mind is philosophical inquiry that motivates innovation.

It amazes me that the ancient Greeks could sit around and come up with rules of logic that became the basis of modern computers in the 20th Century. That the system of counting things only needs two states to work. Let's get physiological. Fractals and logical ideas intersect in several intriguing ways. Both reflect the underlying mathematical principles and patterns found in both fractal geometry and logical reasoning. Overall, the intersection of fractals and logical ideas (like chaos theory) reflects the deep connections between mathematics, geometry, and reasoning. These fields involve the exploration of patterns, structures, and relationships, albeit in different contexts and with different methodologies. Studying the intersection of fractals and logical ideas can lead to insights into the nature of complexity, emergence, and the order in the universe.

Is this not the manifestation of energy in the form of information translated into knowledge, read and understood by humans, who then transfer the knowledge into new innovative energy uses? Give that a think.